Compassion works through more than 8,000 church partners in 25 countries. Each of these churches welcomes 100s of children and provides them with a holistic child development program. Our goal is to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.
The holistic development program focuses on these key areas:
Every year, Compassion partners with hundreds of new churches to reach thousands more children in need. We help develop children into all God intends them to be.
Ministry partners, like Aventura at Forest Park, support the launch of new church partnerships. This gift equips each church with staff training, office equipment and classroom supplies to minister well to hundreds of children. Children enrolled with a church partner participate in weekly programming and benefit immediately from nutritious meals, fellowship with other children and a medical screening. In time, children connect with their own individual sponsor.
TG0719 | Ministère de la Vie Chrétienne Profonde de Kpétsou
Location: Afagnan, Maritime Region, Togo
Initial Beneficiaries: 200
Current Beneficiaries: 217
- CDE Vie profonde Nazareth de Kpetsou is located in a rural community and is home to approximately 1,200 residents.
- Typical houses are constructed of thatch roofs, mud walls and dirt floors.
- The most commonly spoken languages are Ewe and French.
- The regional diet consists of beans, maize and cassava.
- This community is affected by high unemployment, early school dropout, juvenile delinquency and drug abuse.
- Most adults make a living by raising livestock or working as day laborers on plantations. The average family income is equivalent to just $14 per month.
To learn more about ways you can get involved, visit Compassion International’s website.