(The below is a translated letter directly from the Partnership Facilitator working closely with the implementing church partner hosting this child development center. Partnership Facilitators serve as mentor, case worker and project manager in ensuring each church they work with are equipped to implement and operate Compassion’s programs with excellence.)
Dear Friends,
We greet you in Christ and pray that God bless your lives, your jobs and your families.
We express our admiration and gratitude for your commendable work to benefit the neediest, our children. We are very grateful for the financial support to the Niño Vencedores con Cristo Child Development Center, since without it it would not be possible to carry out this project. Infinite thanks in Christ Jesus.
The church had previously made the decision to invest in infrastructure improvements to care for the children and when they knew about the ministry of Compassion International and what is being done for children, the pastor and his leaders expressed immediately that it was the answer to their prayers. The church’s mission, values and vision to extend the kingdom of our Savior Jesus Christ is well aligned for partnership with Compassion.
Through the visits made to the Church, as project facilitator, I became acquainted with church’s work and their efforts in behalf of the neediest, especially of the children of their community. Many times we prayed together so that God from above was the one guiding us, and that the partnership with the church may be fruitful and the work done together impacts greatly the community. I am grateful for your unconditional support to benefit each one of the children who are already being blessed and cared by the project.
In Christ,
José Walter Amaya Guzmán
Partnership Facilitator
Compassion International El Salvador