Greetings, Free People Church! We are grateful for your gift that allows Iglesia Nazareno in Santa Elena, Guatemala to launch a new child development center. The new child development center, Linaje Escogido (Chosen Lineage), is fully open and 242 children participate in development activities. This update includes photos and details of recent activities at the center.
Ministry Progress at Iglesia Nazareno
The church is based in a rural community of 19,000 residents. The community has high rates of unemployment and parents have little income to cover the costs of food, education and healthcare for their children. Linaje Escogido prioritizes providing nutritious meals, medical checkups and cognitive development activities to all of the children participating in the program. Children and their parents are also hearing the good news of the gospel and growing in hope.
Empowering the Church to Serve Vulnerable Children
Dear Friends,
I cordially greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and I hope that you and your family are enjoying the blessings of our God. My name is Gerardo Samuel Mendoza, I have been a Partnership Facilitator at Compassion Guatemala for one year.
It is a great blessing for me to write you. As a Compassion alumni, I am reminded of when I wrote letters to my sponsor. I began participating in the Compassion program when I was six years old. Through Compassion, I achieved a college degree and now I serve in ministry as a Partnership Facilitator. Compassion’s program is a great blessing to children in poverty because they have opportunities to learn and grow through church-based holistic child development centers.
I want to extend my deepest gratitude to you for blessing the children in the program. With your gift, the church will be making infrastructure improvements to classrooms, bathrooms and in the kitchen. They have purchased classroom furniture and equipment so that the children participating in the program are comfortable and safe within the facilities. The volunteers now have office equipment and the necessary tools to provide reports and communication between sponsors and participants.
We pray that God continues to bless you, protect you and that God’s favor will always be with you and your family. I wish you many blessings and thank God for the opportunity to write you this letter from the depths of my heart.
In Jesus Christ,
Gerardo Samuel Mendoza
Staff and Volunteers Promote Healthy Child Development
With Gratitude
Thank you for partnering with Compassion International to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. We look forward to bringing you progress updates from Linaje Escogido in October 2022 and February 2023. Please keep the staff and children in your prayers.