Northbrook Church, we are so grateful for your support of Compassion Survival in Morazan, El Salvador. In the photo above, a caregiver and her husband dedicate their child to the Lord during a church service. The pastor prays over the family, and talks about the ways parents can raise their children to know God.
Sadly, around the world, more than 7,000 children die each day within the first year of life, mostly from preventable causes.1 Thanks to your gracious giving, babies served by Compassion Survival have a greater likelihood of reaching their first birthday. Your generosity enables the staff at Niños de la Nueva Jerusalén Student Center to provide critical care to its community’s children at the time of life when they need it the most — at the very beginning! We are pleased to share this update on recent activities at the center and the transformation you have made possible for families. We hope you feel as blessed by this report as they have been by your investment.
Survival Statistics at Niños de la Nueva Jerusalén Student Center (January – June 2020)
- 15 mothers and their babies received Survival support
- 1 Compassion-assisted birth occured
- 4 babies transitioned to the home-based sponsorship program
- 1 baby, on average per month, treated for malnutrition
COVID-19 Update
Your support of this church is crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic. El Salvador was recently hit by a tropical storm, which caused further damage to already vulnerable communities. Although Compassion activities are currently on hold in El Salvador, church staff continue to minister to mothers and children, often by phone or technology apps. Health assessments can be conducted using telemedicine. Over 91,000 food packs and nearly 50,000 hygiene kits have been delivered to Compassion-assisted families, and church staff are even hosting virtual birthday celebrations for children. El Salvador staff are also working to help families plant vegetable gardens in their homes. Centers are working diligently to ensure that each family’s health and safety are a priority. Please keep this community in your prayers as they navigate uncharted circumstances, and continue to be ministered to through the love and hope of Jesus.
- Medical professionals visit the Survival center and conduct health assessments on caregivers. They also administer vaccines necessary to prevent common illnesses.
Babies Move from Surviving to Thriving Because of Your Support
Thanks to your support, these babies have recently transitioned to home-based care through Compassion’s Sponsorship Program. They will continue their growth with the guidance provided to them by the staff at Niños de la Nueva Jerusalén Student Center and a loving sponsor.
- Tatiana
- Zaid
- Natanahel