Our Savior Lutheran Church, your generous support is making a great difference to mothers and their babies at Iglesia Bautista Sendero de Luz in Nicaragua. By supporting their Survival programming, you are giving babies the best possible start in life, ensuring they get the care they need, from before birth until they reach their crucial first birthday. From regular growth monitoring and supplemental food, to immunization and specialist care, they are known, loved and protected from the very beginning.
Likewise, mothers are receiving a range of supports such as breastfeeding instruction, pre- and postnatal care and access to a skilled birth attendant. Thanks to you, they can bring a precious new life into the world with confidence, knowing that they will not only have professional care but also the emotional and spiritual support they need when they are at their most vulnerable. For a full year, both mother and baby are accompanied every step of the way as they begin their journey out of poverty.
In the photo above, Maria, whose letter is included below, receives supplies for her baby, Mauricio at the church.
Ministry Progress at Iglesia Bautista Sendero de Luz
(January 2022 – June 2022)
- 26 babies and their mothers served
- 3 babies born, and 100% had a healthy birth weight
- 11 babies transitioned to Sponsorship
- 1 baby, on average per month, treated for malnutrition
A Letter From Maria, a Caregiver at Iglesia Bautista Sendero de Luz
Dear Friends,
May God bless you! My name is Maria. I am the mother of Mauricio.
I am very grateful to God and to each of you for the opportunity to be part of the Survival program. I joined when I was pregnant. My pregnancy and my delivery went well. I knew this program would help me grow my faith in God and that it would be a great blessing for me and my baby.
Thanks to Survival staff, I have learned to care for my baby in the best way I can. Since he is my first child, it was very helpful to receive guidance. I have learned how to help him during each stage of his growth and development. His height and weight are measured each month to ensure he is healthy and well-nourished. I have received a Bible, notebooks, a mosquito net, diapers, clothing, socks, bedding and nutritious food. The Survival Specialist also shares lessons on the Word of God.
Thank you for making it possible for the Survival program to reach my family.
Recent Survival Activities at Iglesia Bautista Sendero de Luz
- A mother and her baby receive food after attending Sunday school.
- Baby Douglas has his height and weight measured by Survival staff.
- Joseph and his mother receive nutritious food from Survival Staff. This food will help him grow and develop at a healthy rate.
Babies Transition to Compassion’s Sponsorship Program
Thanks to your support, these babies have recently celebrated their first birthdays and transitioned to home-based care through Compassion’s Sponsorship Program. They will continue their growth with the guidance provided to them by the staff at Iglesia Bautista Sendero de Luz and a loving sponsor.
- Melvin
- Isaac
- Ian
- Genesis
- Bryan
- Antoni
Survival Program Spotlight: Delivery Care
The health of mothers and newborns is intricately related. Because of this, Compassion church partners provide prenatal care to give expectant moms and their babies the support they need for a safe and healthy birth. Mothers are able to attend prenatal medical appointments, when in the past they could never have considered such an expense. They also receive transportation to their local health center or hospital so they can keep those appointments. If their pregnancy has proceeded smoothly, skilled birth attendants guide and support them through the birthing process. Mothers who develop complications are connected to advanced medical care (including surgery, if necessary). After the babies arrive, the program gifts the new moms with baskets full of hygiene supplies and newborn necessities. All of this is possible through your generous giving!
Thank You for Your Support
Thank you for your heart for mothers and babies in the Nicaragua. You are helping babies have a healthy start to life. Please join the church in praying for health, protection and provision and for caregivers to remain committed Christians so they can help their children grow in faith. May God bless you as you partner with Compassion to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.