
Disaster Relief for Pastors and Church Staff in Haiti

A Proposal for Reality Church of Stockton to Provide Emergency Support to 1,770 Families in Haiti

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart

and with all your soul and with all your mind ...

Love your neighbor as yourself.” — Matthew 22:37, 39 (NIV)


We are deeply grateful for the Reality Church of Stockton family and your heart for the world. Because of your concern for those Jesus referred to as "the least of these," it is our honor to present you with the following opportunity to provide emergency support to Haitian pastors and church staff who have lost most of their income due to the pandemic.


Compassion's church partners in Haiti are experiencing adverse economic impacts due to the pandemic. Most of the church partners also operate schools which serve Compassion beneficiaries and other children in the community. Church staff serve in the schools and are paid through a portion of the school fees that are collected. Due to the pandemic, both schools and churches were closed for many months, and the income from tithes, offerings and school fees was lost. Compassion centers in Haiti have begun a phased re-opening while following social distancing protocols.

Many pastors in Haiti are experiencing a drastic reduction in their incomes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Churches were closed and there was a sharp decrease in tithes and offerings. Secondly, many church members who typically give tithes and offerings have also experienced a loss of income. Despite the loss of income, Compassion's church partners have continued to serve children and families throughout the pandemic.

Meeting a Critical Need

Providing pastors with food security frees them to focus on continuing to serve their congregations, which include Compassion beneficiaries and their families. When pastors can serve their congregations, church members are encouraged to continue participating in the life of the church. As members learn the Bible and grow, they will protect and care for their children. Healthy families have a positive impact on their communities.

Compassion Haiti has identified 780 pastors and 1,062 church staff who are especially vulnerable. Without the ability to provide for their families, there is a risk that some pastors may resign in order to earn income.


This intervention aims to reduce the adverse economic impact of COVID-19 on the staff of 354 Compassion church partners in Haiti. Pastors and church staff will receive  financial support for two months. The support is intended to be used for food or other pressing needs. Specific objectives are listed below:

  • To meet the basic needs of 1,770 church pastors and staff and their families through an allocation. Gift allocations are adjusted according to the cost of living in the area where the church is located.

  • To provide food and household security for 1,770 church pastors and staff so they remain available to minister to their congregations during the pandemic.

Amount Requested:  $30,000*

*This budget covers all program, administration and fundraising costs commensurate with Compassion's corporate guidelines. If funding exceeds COVID-19 response needs, gifts will be used in similar ways to respond to other disasters.

Please Join Us

Reality Church of Stockton is a valued partner in Compassion’s mission to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. Your gift will provide vital relief to 1,770 pastors, church staff and their households in Haiti. You will receive a final report after the intervention is completed. Thank you again for your prayerful consideration of this request, and may God continue to bless your members and ministry!

Three distinct foundations of how Compassion works:

We focus exclusively on children — “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16, NIV) All programs are aligned with developing children holistically (prenatal through young adulthood) by addressing physical, spiritual, socio-emotional, economic and educational needs.

We work exclusively with the local church — Compassion believes that the church is God’s agent for change in a broken world, which is why our programs are only offered through partnership with churches in the developing world that have the same passion for prioritizing and ministering to children.

We keep Jesus at the center of all we do — Children and families are not required to profess Jesus as their Savior to participate in our programs, but we want children to hear the gospel, see living faith and be discipled in the ways of Jesus. To this end, every mother and child registered in our programs receive age-appropriate Bibles, which are replaced as children mature and develop.

Amount Requested: $30,000


Thank you, Reality Church, for prayerfully considering partnering with Compassion International. I would welcome the opportunity to talk with you about your ministry to children and families in Haiti, or around the world. It's an honor to serve alongside you.

Paul Ramey

Paul Ramey

Manager, Church Relations
Phone: 503-522-0581
Email: [email protected]